Wednesday 7 October 2015

Cross-Curricular Teaching and Learning

          Traditional teaching approaches have considered academic subjects to be completely distinct from one another. Although there are some skills that are unique to certain subjects, such as learning how to connect the pieces of a flute or improving techniques to serve a volleyball, I feel that blending topics from different subjects through cross-curricular teaching allows students to practice higher-order thinking skills (HOTS). Greenwood (2013) considers cross-curricular teaching to be synonymous with 'integrated teaching' whereby, one's learning in a subject is meaningfully supported by other subjects. This teaching approach is reinforced by Drake, Reid and Kolohon (2013) when they express how cross-curricular links encourage skills that prepare students to live effectively in today’s modern world. 

     This clip provides a simple example of how science and art can be blended together.

Reach Out: Continuing Professional Development. (2015, February 24). Cross-Curricular Lesson Idea: Science and Art. Retrieved from

          A goal of modern education is to prepare learners to be successful and productive within the 21st century world. In order to achieve this goal, students must be given the opportunity to practice higher order thinking skills (HOTS) such as analyzing, evaluating, reasoning, critical thinking, problem solving  and creative thinking skills (Drake, Reid and Kolohon, 2013).  Furthermore, I feel that linking content between subjects maximizes students’ understandings of how their learning can apply to life beyond the classroom. This point is furthered by Levin, Nolan, Kerr, Elliott and Bajovic (2016) when they suggest that integrating subjects and relating themes to life beyond the school motivates students to gain a deeper understanding of the skills and knowledge. I witnessed this motivation when I was volunteering in a grade 3 classroom. Unlike the other grade 3 class, our classroom did not have signals to indicate when to move from one subject to the next; the teacher skillfully incorporated multiple subjects at once. For example, we completed a class project revolving around endangered animals. The students chose an animal, researched its behaviours, wrote about its survival needs, created posters, examined how climate change was contributing to endangerment, learned about sustainability, and even created their animal using clay. It was obvious by the energy in the classroom that blending elements of math, science, art, geography and literacy throughout this project engaged learners and prevented students from feeling tired or frustrated with specific subjects.

Tripp, Karyn (2013, March 12). Cross-Curricular Kitchen Lessons. Web, 5 Oct 2015. Retrieved from

          In order for cross-curricular teaching to be effective, teachers need to develop a “...wide pedagogical repertoire” (Greenwood, 2013, p. 456) that will allow them to make accurate and quality connections between subjects. Although this may sound overwhelming, there are many resources available to aid teachers in making a commitment to cross-curricular teaching. For example, when looking at the front matter of the Ontario curriculum for grade 1-8 Science and Technology, there is a section dedicated to incorporating literacy and numeracy into the science and technology program. An example was provided of how a grade 3 class planting seeds in science would also be practicing elements of math as they measure, estimate and record the growth process. Furthermore, elements of literacy could be practiced by asking students to communicate their observations both verbally and through written reflections (Science and Technology, 2008). 

Content and Learning Integrated Learning – CLIL. (2013, December 15). Web, 5 Oct 2015. Retrieved from

          Sternberg’s Triarchic Intelligence model, discussed by Drake, Reid and Kolohon (2013), helps to showcase the importance of cross-curricular teaching. I feel that teaching subjects independently encourages only Analytical Intelligence. Analytical Intelligence is important as it promotes knowledge and logic however, cross-curricular teaching also incorporates Practical Intelligence and Creative Intelligence. I feel that encouraging students to apply their learning to real-world contexts (practical intelligence) while also recognizing the importance of innovation and imagination (creative intelligence) are extremely valuable. Therefore, blending the curriculum subjects is essential as it promotes all three components of Sternberg’s Intelligence and encourages the higher order thinking skills (HOTS) to best prepare students to succeed within the 21st century world. 

Poet; Don't Know It. (2014, Februaru 12). Sternberg's Solution. Web, 6 Oct 2015. Retrieved from

Lastly, the first 5 minutes and 20 seconds of this clip reinforce the benefits of implementing cross-curricular teaching practices within the classroom.

Branson, G. (2015, February 25th). Should Teachers Take A Cross- Curricular Approach To Teaching Science And Math? Retrieved from


Branson, G. (2015, February 25th). Should Teachers Take A Cross- Curricular Approach To Teaching Science And Math? Retrieved from

Content and Learning Integrated Learning- CLIL. (2013, December 15). Web, 5 Oct 2015. Retrieved from

Drake, S. M., Reid, J. L., & Kolohon, W. (2014). Interweaving Curriculum and Classroom Assessment: Engaging the 21st Century Learner. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.

Greenwood, R. (2013). Subject-based and cross-curricular approaches within the revised primary curriculum in Northern Ireland: teachers' concerns and preferred approaches. Education 3-13, 41(4), 443-458. doi:10.1080/03004279.2013.819618

Levin, J., Nolan, J., Kerr, J., Elliot, A., Bajovic, M. (2016). Principles of classroom management. Toronto: Pearson.

Poet; Don't Know It. (2014, February 12). Sternberg's Solution. Web, 6 Oct 2015. Retrieved from

Reach Out: Continuing Professional Development. (2015, February 24). Cross-Curricular Lesson Idea: Science and Art. Retrieved from

Science and technology: the Ontario curriculum, grades 1-8. (2008). [Toronto,ON]: Ministry of Education and Training. 

Tripp, Karyn (2013, March 12). Cross-Curricular Kitchen Lessons. Web, 6 Oct 2015. Retrieved from